Answers to CE MC Questions (1992-2000)
Year |
Ans. |
Explanation |
9439 |
B |
Lower transport cost facilitates the transportation of raw
materials to the factories. Bulk
carriers can also help lower the transport cost. Technology reduces the use of raw materials. All these lower the importance of raw
materials. (3) is irrelevant to
this question. |
9539 |
C |
The photo shows hi-tech machinery. So, (1) and (4) are wrong. |
9534 |
A |
As milk is perishable, the factory
should be located near the raw materials. Moreover, the product is weight-losing. In order to reduce transport cost, it
should be best located at the farm. |
9626 |
D |
For (1), raw materials are light and of high value. It can be set up everywhere. For (2), beer brewing should be set up
near to the market as it is perishable and fresh. For (3), iron and steel making can be both market- and raw
material-oriented. For (4),
aluminium smelting requires a lot of energy, so it should be set up near power
plants. |
9741 |
B |
(1) and (2) are raw materials to steel making industries. (4) is also a human input. (3) is not used to produce steel. |
0050 |
A |
Newspaper printing should be located at the market as it
requires fast delivery, e.g. newspaper and magazines. Fruit canning is raw-material
oriented because fruits are perishable. |
0049 |
C |
The use of scrap iron can reduce the pull of raw materials, so
(1) is wrong. (4) is irrelevant
to the question. |
9340 |
A |
Textile industry doesn’t require too much power. So, (4) is wrong. |
9736 |
A |
The photo shows the use of machines, which requires less
labour. It is located near the
sea but it doesn’t mean it requires a lot of water in processing. So, (2) and (4) are wrong. |
9542 |
D |
making and car assembly are market-oriented; Iron and steel can be both
market- and raw material oriented. Printing can be set up everywhere. |
9330 |
B |
Bakery is market-oriented as the product is perishable. So, it should be placed near the CBD. |
9431 |
C |
Answers to CE MC Questions (1992-2000)
Year |
Ans. |
Explanation |
9233 |
C |
9742 |
A |
X is Baoshan of Shanghai.
It doesn’t have local mineral resources but skill and technology are
available because of foreign investment. Increased demand for steel from neighbouring areas is NOT
a direct cause for the rapid development of steel production in 1990s. Rather, it is just a favourable
factor for its development. |
9338 |
A |
(4) is not true as the Chinese government has promoted
industrial decentralization. |
9942 |
B |
The local market demand is not quite important as most of the
furniture products are for export. |
0047 |
C |
Answers to CE MC Questions (1992-2000)
Year |
Ans. |
Explanation |
9350 |
C |
The diagram shows market being the most important locational
factor, i.e. market-orientation.
Muroran, Joban and Kitakyushu are raw material-oriented steel centers
while only Tokyo is market-oriented. |
9230 |
B |
The black dots show areas around Tokyo Bay. The surrounding areas don’t have any
mineral resources like iron and coal.
Therefore, (2) and (3) are wrong. |
9850 |
B |
Iron mines are not found along the coast. |
9540 |
A |
The same question as 9850. |
9642 |
A |
Reliance on imported raw materials is still strong in Japan as
it lacks supply of mineral resources such as coal and iron ore. |
0048 |
- |
This item was deleted in CE exam. |
9628 |
D |
The shaded area is the Manufacturing Belt in Japan. |
9743 |
A |
Answers to CE MC Questions (1992-2000)
Hong Kong
Year |
Ans. |
Explanation |
9432 |
B |
Textile industry becomes less important in 1989 because of
changes in government policy.
Local market is still large. |
9433 |
A |
Research work for industries is not commonly found in Hong
Kong. The government never
promotes electronics industry. |
9242 |
B |
0046 |
A |
Land price is still relatively high in Hong Kong. Supply of raw materials from Mainland
China is still abundant. |
9231 |
A |
Capital was brought by Shanghaiese in the 1960s. Government also strongly promoted
this type of light industries as they could provide jobs for the growing
population. |
9838 |
B |
Since 1980s, the Government has adopted product sophistication
(1) and market diversification (3).
Due to cheaper land and labour in Mainland China, most of the
electronics factories have been moved to Shenzhen and other parts of
Guangdong areas. |
9837 |
C |
Unemployment rate is quite high nowadays so there is never a
labour shortage problem. |
9341 |
D |
The idea of imported labour only started in the 1990s, so it is
not an important factor leading to the growth of electronics industry since
the 1970s. |